Clinics - Practical Internships

The Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences Studies has established programs of "clinics" that combined lectures on theory with hands-on work in the field, which help in representing various populations.

Clinics - Practical Internships
Clinics - Practical Internships

Clinic for Social Justice / Clinic for the Environment, Sustainability and Spatial Justice

The clinic is a joint project of the Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences Studies and the Buchman Faculty of Law.  The Clinic for Social Justice was opened in 2001 as part of the programs for legal-clinical education of the Faculty of Law, and was the first clinic program in Israel to deal with environmental justice in Israel.  For further details about the Environmental Justice Clinic  -


Clinic for Environmental Policy

The clinic was founded by the Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences Studies in conjunction with the Department for Public Policy at the University, in order to shape a sustainable environmental policy in Israel.

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