The Student Union

The Student Union
The Student Union, Tel-Aviv University

One goal of the Student Union is to promote the environmental agenda on campus, based on an understanding that we have an obligation and a responsibility for the environment in which we live and the first place to act on this belief is right here, at home. As part of this, we are careful to include environmental considerations when planning our events and activities.  The Union’s offices use recycled paper for notes, reuse folders and envelopes, and are careful to make maximum use of resources.


 Environmental Grants

The Administration and Planning Department of the Student Union grants scholarship to students that promote sustainable projects in the community of Tel Aviv Municipality or with the Government Offices.


Sustainable projects

"Two-sided" project

The Student Union has undertaken to turn a considerable share of photocopying and printing on campus is two-sided.  After lengthy negotiations with the University and the operating company, there are now numerous photocopy machines and printers on campus that have been repurposed for two-sided printing.


Riders’ showers

In order to encourage students and employees to come to the University by bicycle or scooters, a compound has been set up with showers for riders, that allows bike and scooter riders to shower and dress before the start of their academic or work day.


Public transportation

The Student Union has done a great deal of work - and continues to do so - to improve public transportation to the campus on behalf of the students and the environment. As part of this, the "StuDan" agreement was achieved, which offers students substantial discounts with the Dan transportation cooperative. A similar agreement was reached with Egged. Furthermore, the Union operates a shuttle from the bus depot at the train station to the campus, to encourage students to take the train to the University. For additional information about public transportation issues on campus.

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